- Myself
My name is Komsan Janprasit.
My nick name's Arm.
I'm from Thailand.
I'm studying in matayom 6 . At changklangprachanukul shool.
In the southen of thailand.
This is my final year at this school.
I live in changklang.
There are 5 people in my family.
My father is Suthep Janprasit.
He is kind and generous.
He is 55 years old.
My mother is Srivichit Janprasit.
She is 50 years old.
She is a rubber tapper.
My sister is Sujitra Janprasit.
She is 31 years old.
She works in the company.
My brother is Atikom Janprasit. He 29 years old.
He check about he is medical matcrls.
My family is happy.
I have one cat and tow dogs.
I like to play football.
In my time play music.
I want to be a teacher.
I love Thailand.